You probably already guessed it..... YEP you did - RINGTONES. The ringtone business is currently flourishing: worldwide, it’s a $4 billion plus market. 2 years ago Mike and I were walking down the street and all of sudden I hear Nickelback . Mike, What are you doing with a portable radio in your pocket? "It's my cellphone you idiot" replied Mike. Okay that's was kinda cool and besides the sound of the slick Nickelback ringtone made it more interesting. Since then we the cast at MobiShark have been ringtone addicts. Below are a few our favorites. All Ringtones are FREE for Blackberry devices and other smartphones.
Blackberry Free RingtonesPimp Your BlackberryFree Ringtones By Artist
Madonna RingtonesNickelback RingtonesBritney SpearsMobiShark Ringtone UniversityQ: What are the diffrent types of Ringtones available?
Mobile phone ringtones come in three different types. Types: polyphonic ringtones ,monophonic ringtones and true tones.
Polyphonic ringtones / Polyphonic ringtones have can produce 16 separate sounds at one time creating an amazing harmonic melody. Most recent cellphone support the type of ringtones for example : The newer phones from manufacturers like Panasonic, Samsung, Siemens, Motorola, Sony-Ericsson, and LG, now have ringtones capabilities.
Monophonic ringtones / good choice if you are looking for a clear, easy to discern ringtone for your cellular phone. However it's not as popular as polyphonic and true tone ringtones.
True Tone / True tone ringtones, also called real tone or full music ringtones, can play actual music.
Next article: Ringtone Makers - Who are the BIG Dawgs in the RINGTONE WORLD?